Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to play in the ATWL?
Team Entry: $550 for the season

On what field are the games played?
Events can be played at any field in Nova Scotia or New Brunswick. The first and last events of the season are played at the ATWL field sponsor - Mersey Road Paintball

Can we bring our own paint?
The ATWL is event paint only. If you have any questions about paint please talk to the field owner

What kind of paint is available and what price?
Paint is available on game day and is sold by the field owner. The price is usually $80 per box

How much paint will I shoot?
It depends on what kind of paintball you like to play. I personally shoot about a case per day. Some players use more, some players use less

I don't have a team. Can I play the ATWL?
If you need a team to play on please contact the league mail@atwl.ca and you will be put in touch with team owners to see if they have an open spot on their roster

How many players can my team have on its roster?
Rosters will be capped at a total of 15 players only 10 can play at any one time

How many players do we need?
A team can play with as few players as they like. Generally anything less than 7 players can turn a game into a blow out

Can I be on the roster of multiple teams at an event?
A player can play on multiple teams providing ALL team owners / Captains agree

What kind of paintball gun do I need?
You can use any kind of paintball marker you like. Some players play with $1500 high end electronic markers, others play with $200 pump guns and everything in between

Is there a ball per second cap on how fast a marker can shoot?
No marker can shoot over 15 balls per second

Are there any kinds of firing modes that are not allowed?
There is no limit on firing modes.

What is the chrono limit?
300 fps


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Atlantic Tactical Woodsball League © 2014 | Designed by Tippinators Paintball Team,